Dr. Merja Joensuu (Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland, Australia) is an expert on protein and membrane trafficking and advanced imaging technologies. Her research team employs cutting-edge imaging techniques, including super-resolution microscopy, to investigate the molecular mechanisms governing neuronal membrane trafficking and functions. She has identified and characterized protein and lipid factors that regulate neuronal energy metabolism, cognition, learning, and memory. Additionally, her work has revealed how certain neurotoxins and viruses exploit these functions, paving the way for potential host-targeted antitoxin and -viral strategies. Dr. Joensuu leads the NHMRC-EU Collaborative Research Grant (2044271) associated with REFINE. In this consortium, she collaborates with flavivirus expert Prof. Jason MacKenzie (University of Melbourne, Doherty Institute, Australia), a CI-B on the grant, and virologist A/Prof. Giuseppe Balistreri (University of Helsinki, Finland). Together the team focuses on identifying neuronal receptors, entry factors, and trafficking mechanisms involved in the viral life cycle. By leveraging super-resolution imaging, which enables visualization of neuronal structures beyond the diffraction limit of light, the team aims to gain a deeper understanding of pathogen-neuron interactions. These insights could ultimately lead to novel therapeutic targets for combating viral infections.