University of Queensland (Australia, associated partner) Dr. Merja Joensuu (Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, The University of Queensland, Australia) is an expert on protein and membrane trafficking and…
Erasmus University Medical Center (The Netherlands) Project coordinator, Prof. Marion Koopmans of Erasmus MC, is a virologist with extensive experience in the field of infectious diseases. Her public health engagements in several…
Universita degli studi di Padova (Italy) The engagement of Prof. Luisa Barzon ensures access to frontline observations and real-world patient data, enhancing the consortium’s ability to identify and prioritize research and intervention…
Helsingin Yliopisto (Finland) Prof. Olli Vapalahti, MD, leads the Viral Zoonoses Research Unit at UH Faculties of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine has extensive experience in zoonotic and arboviral diseases research. His research work on…