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Universita degli studi di Padova (Italy)

The engagement of Prof. Luisa Barzon ensures access to frontline observations and real-world patient data, enhancing the consortium’s ability to identify and prioritize research and intervention strategies that are regionally pertinent and globally significant. Prof. Barzon’s documented contributions in European viral epidemics provides invaluable insights into the epidemiology, transmission dynamics, clinical and virological aspects of diseases that can be caused by vector-borne viral infections, with special focus on WNV, USUV and orthoflavivirus infections in humans. Prof. Barzon has expertise in the surveillance and diagnosis of WNV and USUV infection in humans, maturated through 20 years of intense field work in northern Italy, which is one of the most WNV-affected regions in Europe. Recently, the UNIPD unit has been designated European Reference Laboratory (EURL) for Public Health on Vector-Borne Viral Pathogens. This position will allow strengthening collaboration links to national reference laboratories, the ECDC and WHO, and a privileged view for monitoring vector-borne viral infections at European level. In addition, Prof. Barzon team at UNIPD (Prof. Gualtiero Alvisi and Prof. Marta Trevisan) has expertise in genetic and phenotypic characterization of orthoflaviviruses by using WGS, structural analyses, 2D cell culture systems and organoids, representing a valuable contribution to the consortium. Prof. Barzon’s involvement in the consortium ensures the possibility to translate and validate basic research discoveries into real world clinical observations. Her clinical and virological expertise, combined with the immunological and technological strengths of other consortium members, ensures a comprehensive approach to addressing the complex challenges of emerging viral infections.

Scientists involved

Prof. Luisa Barzon (WP5 leader)